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Purvis Lower Elementary

Purvis Lower Elementary

Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade

Purvis Lower Elementary is a pre-k through second grade school in the Lamar County School District.  PLE serves the Purvis community with over 65 staff members.  Our classrooms are equipped with JTouch touch-screen boards, Promethean boards, iPads, Mac computers and Chromebooks.  The teachers and staff at PLE work to provide engaging learning opportunities for our students.  PLE! The place to BE!! 

Mission: At PLE, our mission is to ensure that all students are provided a safe learning environment that fosters academic success and delivers opportunities for learners to become self-driven, independent, and successful.

Vision: Possibilities for Learning are Endless

Purvis Lower is a Title I school.  Title I is a set of programs designed by the U.S. Department of Education to distribute funding that provides resources for our school such as:

*opportunities for all children to meet the state's proficient levels of academic achievement.

* use effective instructional strategies that are based on scientific research which strengthen the core academic program and increases the amount of quality learning time.

* use strategies that address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low achieving children and those that are at-risk of not meeting the state standards.

* provides instruction by a highly qualified professional staff.

* provides tutorial program for students to remediate skills during the school day.

* provides parent involvement resources and materials.

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